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Hello friends! Today in this post you will read about What is Database, database management systems definition, and will also see its types, advantages, operations, and applications.

You read it completely. You will understand this easily. So let’s start:

What Is The Database Management? (Definition & Meaning)
What Is The Database Management? (Definition & Meaning)

What is a Database?

A database is a collection of organized data files managed as a single unit and that controlled database is known as a database management system (DBMS). In simple terms, a database is a tool that stores the data and in the same way, you can create, modify and delete the data.

Forty years back we can find databases in only some places like laboratories and computer technologies struggled a lot to be more effective and efficient.

In today’s technology databases are universal usage in the information technology industry and every day we all are using databases directly or indirectly for banking transactions, reservations, websites, etc. All these processes are recorded and processed in the database.

Database Management System (DBMS) Definition

It is a software system, through which a user creates, defines, manages, and controls the database.

DBMS is a collection of programs and is generally used to manage databases(DB).

Now let us understand the meaning of Manage: In this, you can do all these things like Inserting Data in the Database, Edit, Delete, Access, and Update.

You already know what is Database Management System(DBMS) & the definition of database management.

Let’s understand again, DBMS is a software package. Through this software, you can create a database.

You have created a database named Student, and now you have to add the details of the students to it.

If you knowingly and unknowingly give wrong data, then you will have to edit the student details. After a few days you came to know that someone’s data is wrong, then you will also have to delete it. If you have to search its name and address from the roll no of a student, then it is called Access.

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Now you must have understood what DBMS does. Take this example, you can put it in a company also, and the same thing happens there too.

Examples of Database Management Software

Well, there is a lot of DBMS software, some of them are:

a. Dbase

Out of all the DBMSs, Dbase was created first. It was used in Microcomputers. This software was the most successful DBMS of its time. All these components reside in DBASE such as Database Engine, Query System, and forms engine, and a Programming Language is used to run all three. The extension of this file is .dbf.

A company named Ashton-Tate published Dbase in 1980, this DBMS was used to run in the microcomputer’s operating system. Later it was used by Apple And it started happening in IBM PC too, both used to run on dos os. For many years, Dbase was also awarded Best Selling Software of the Year. When Dbase was released, it started running in UNIX and VMS also.

b. FoxPro

Here along with a text-based procedurally oriented programming language, it is also a Database Management System. It is an Object-Oriented Programming Language. For the first time, it was published by Fox Software.

But Microsoft later developed FoxPro to run in MS-DOS, Windows, and Unix versions. Right now its name is Visual FoxPro but after a few years, its production was stopped in 2007.

c. IMS

The hierarchical model is followed to store the data in the IMS database. Which is quite different from DB2 and Relational Model. Usually, this DBMS is used for Information Management.

d. Oracle

Oracle is also called Oracle RDBMS. It is an object-relational database management system. It is used a lot in today’s time, the name of this software company is Oracle Corporation. Larry Ellison and his two friends were the co-founders of this corporation.

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e. MySql

It is an object-relational database management system. It was named after the daughter of its co-founder Michael Widenius and SQL stands for Structured Query Language. The name of this DBMS Software Company is MySQL AB which was formed in 1995. Now it is owned by Oracle Corporation.

f. DB2

This is a product of a database. This RDBMS means Relational Database Management System. DB2 is used to store, analyze and retrieve data in the database. db2 is also following the concept of Object-Oriented.

Database Operations

All the operations given below are done on the database. Let us understand them in detail one by one.

1. Insert
If you store some data, then it is called Insert Operation. Like there is a student database, you insert data there Name, Roll, Mark, and City.

2. Delete
If you delete data or a record from the database, then this operation is called Delete Operation. You can also use some programming language to delete.

3. Update
The information or data that already exists and you are making changes in it, then it is called Update. I will still take the same example if a student’s family has shifted to another place, then you have to change the address from the database, this is called Update.

4. Search/Access
Finding the same information or finding the group of information, is called Search or Access Operation. Like checking any result, checking balance, checking whether a train ticket is available or not, all this is a search operation.

Advantage of Database

The following are the advantages of the database:-

  • It reduces data redundancy i.e. it does not store duplicate data.
  • It provides data integrity and security. In this, no unauthorized users can access the database.
  • In this, two or more users can access the database at a time.
  • This data can be shared with other users.
  • The data in the database can be easily accessed.
  • It is very easy to search and retrieve data in this. In the old databases, we needed to write a program for each search. But in today’s database, you can search any data just by using the command.
  • No user can access the database without permission.
  • It is very easy to back up the data in the database and if for some reason the database becomes corrupt, then we can restore the data again.
  • This data is consistent as there is no data redundancy in it.
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Disadvantage of Database

The disadvantages of the database are given below:-

  • Designing a database system is very difficult and it takes a lot of time.
  • The cost (price) of its hardware and software is very high.
  • If the database gets damaged then it has a bad effect on all the application programs.
  • It needs to be learned before using it. Can’t use it without learning.
  • The size of the database is very high.


It is my endeavor that you get complete information about this article database – What is Database & Database Management Systems Definition one of my articles.

Today you have learned what are database systems and DBMS examples.

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